Safety is key priority in all of our operations, and we believe that all accidents can be prevented, and therefore our ultimate goal is zero accidents. On this page, you can find out more information on safety trainings, access passes and safety and environment instructions in Kemi ja Tornio.

Our operations at our plant are supported by our safety organization with specialists of various topics, such as occupational safety, rescue services, radiation protection, environmental protection, chemical safety, work hygiene and occupational health. Safety is a key at each step of production, starting with investment planning and recruitment of new employees. During their onboarding, each new employees is trained according to an onboarding plan for the work as well as on safety.

We strive to continuously increase our employees' knowledge of and taking responsibility in the safety matters. We make sure that our employees have up-to-date information on safety with regular trainings and briefings. There are regular safety walks at our plants, which aim at paying even more attention to a safety behaviour of our employees.

Please find below information on safety trainings, access passes and essential safety and environment instructions for both Kemi and Tornio operations. 


Safety trainings


The training below is for all who are coming to work at the Tornio site.

  1. Read Outokumpu Tornio plant Safety and Environmental training material
  2. Complete the Tornio Safety and environment training test here

Tornio hot rolling mill

This training is for all who are coming to work at Tornio hot rolling mill.

  1. Read Tornio hot rolling mill General safety instructions training material
  2. Complete the test for Tornio hot rolling mill General safety instructions here

Tornio Harbor, Röyttä

This training is for all who are coming to work in Port of Tornio, Röyttä Harbor.

  1. Read Tornio Harbor Health and Safety training material.
  2. Complete the test for Tornio Harbor Health and Safety training here.

Kemi mine

The training below is for all who are coming to work at Kemi mine (above ground or underground).

  1. Read Outokumpu Kemi mine Safety and Environmental training material
  2. Complete the Kemi mine Safety and environment training test here

If you are coming to work underground mine, in addition of training and test above:

  1. Also read Outokumpu Kemi Mine Underground Safety training material
  2. Also complete the Kemi mine Underground Safety training test here

Test links are working best with Internet Explorer -browser.


Access passes and safety and environment instructions

Access pass documents and safety and environment instructions are available below. The instructions must be followed during the work at Outokumpu premises.


Code of conduct for applying for service supplier/contractor access passes

Access to the Tornio plant area and Kemi Mine requires an access pass which is supplied as an ID card with a Flexim key. The ID cards are printed at the area control center of the Tornio plants and the information point at Kemi Mine.

The card is personal. Any misuse of the card, such as passing through gates using another person’s card, will result in the forfeiture of the ID card.

TLi 020 Instructions for applying for access passes 05-08-2024
YYOSu 001 Jätehuolto Tornion tehtaat_Waste management Tornio site_22.2.2022
YYOTo 001 Sorting of waste Tornio plants
YYOSu 004 Contractors environmental protection guidelines_ver9
YYOSu 007 Storage and transfer of chemicals and oils hazardous to the environment
YYOTo 005 Vaaralliset jätteet_Hazardous Waste Tornio_26.4.2022
Outokumpu Kemi_Tornio Service Supplier Instruction_1_2023
TToU 008 General terms and conditions relating to safety_23.5.2024
TToU 008 Annexes 1-4
TO 001 Preventing of unexpected startup LOTOTO_7.3.2023
TO 002 Protection against falling 29072024
TO 003 Closed or confined spaces
TO 009 Work permit procedures_27.7.2021
TO 107 Operating a forklift truck_14.11.2019
TO 113 Welding work_31.12.2022
TO 114 The usage of the cutting tools Outokumpu standard 05022019
TO 200 Outokumpu Manual for Hot Work_27.4.2023
TO 400 Alcohol and narcotics guideline_3.1.2023
TO 500 Traffic in the plant area